Industry on Campus
The greenCHEM team cordially invites you to the upcoming Industry on Campus 2024 on Nov. 6th at Freie Universität Berlin.
On this day we will hear presentations from industry representatives, startups and transfer teams from chemistry and pharmaceutical research. Companies such as BASF, Berlin-Chemie Menarini and Bioeton will share their approaches for transitioning to a sustainable, circular economy, while the latter will present their innovative ideas and green chemistry tech. In addition, there will be ample opportunity for networking.
Learn how companies are dealing with difficulties in implementing sustainable chemistry.
Learn from researchers about the newest innovations first hand.
Get to know students' and PhDs' vision for the chemical industry.
10:00 Registration
10:30 Start
Rainer Haag & Sebastian Hasenstab-Riedel (FUB) - Welcome
Petra Ryl - Science&Startups
Detlef Kratz (BASF) - Innovating for Sustainability with Energy: Approaches to circular and green chemistry at BASF
Kai Licha (FUB / FEW Chemicals) - Scaling-Up Chemistry from academic Start-ups to industrial manufacturing
12:15 - 13:00 Lunch break
Mathias Dimde & Uwe Schedler (FUB/ PolyAn) - Bioinspired polymers for applications in bioanalytics
Katharina Knippen & Pawel Lato (Bioeton Deutschland) - Sustainable Ester production and its valued by-products
Thomas Schubert (IoLiTec) - The path from a laboratory curiosity to an industrial chemical
Jean-Pierre Clement (DendroTEK, Canada) - DendroTEK Biosciences : How we turned a science project into a company
Johann Liebeton (BioHalo, Denmark) - BioHalo - bio-based polymers as sustainable PFAS alternatives
14:15 - 14:45 Coffee break
Gesa Dreyhsig & Merlin Kleoff (FUB Chemie) - Towards a Sustainable Chlorine Industry
Michael Bernicke (NanoCats) - tba
Olaf Wagner (FUB Chemistry) - AquaPur – Removing Trace Substances from Process- and Wastewater
Jan-Niklas Dürig (FUB Pharmacy) - Sustainable solutions for next-generation gene therapeutics
Christian Matschke (Berlin-Chemie Menarini) - Berlin-Chemie goes Green - Megatrend Sustainablility
16:00 - 16:30 Coffee, Cake & Networking