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BUA Certificate Program "Entrepreneurship in Green Chemistry"
Entrepreneurship in Green Chemistry
BUA Certificate Program
What is it about?
The BUA Certificate Programme “Entrepreneurship in Green Chemistry” is perfect for Master's students in chemistry-related fields enrolled in Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin or Technische Universität Berlin who want to develop entrepreneurial skills and sustainability knowledge. This program helps you turn research into innovative business ideas. With a flexible course load (23-24 ECTS) over 2-4 semesters, you’ll gain expertise in management, innovation, and decision-making—all through hands-on learning.
Content & Goals
In the “Entrepreneurship in Green Chemistry” programm, you’ll explore key concepts of entrepreneurship and sustainability. The program covers everything from starting a business to advancing research or product development. You’ll learn to identify opportunities within chemistry and related fields, turning them into innovative solutions.
This hands-on experience will help you build skills in innovation management, resource allocation, and solving technical challenges. You'll also gain expertise in decision-making, legal frameworks, and teamwork, preparing you to create sustainable, impactful business models.
Who is it for?
The Micro-Credential “Entrepreneurship in Green Chemistry” is offered to students who are enrolled in one of the following 8 master programmes at TU Berlin, as well as students at Freie Universität Berlin (FU) and Humboldt Universität (HU) who are enrolled in a chemistry-related Master programme.
M.Sc. Chemistry
M.Sc. Chemical Engineering
M.Sc. Environmental Science and Technology
M.Sc. Material Science and Engineering
M.Sc. Food Technology
M.Sc. Polymer Science
M.Sc. Biological Chemistry
M.Sc. Industrial Engineering and Management, chemistry-related majors
Why should you apply
If you are interested in driving sustainable chemistry through innovation and entrepreneurship, you are the right candidate for the Micro-Credential Program. You will learn how to develop chemistry-related sustainable business ideas, you will network with other innovators and entrepreneurs in the field and you will potentially find new ideas and opportunities for your future career.
Course Structure
Chose from these mandatory and elective courses to get the ETCS you need to receive the certificate.
The complete course list, you’ll find here.
Students can plan their study schedule individually and can start either in the summer term or in the winter term.
It is recommended to start with a mandatory core module:
Option A: Venture Campus - From idea to business plan (12 ECTS)
Option B: Treasure Hunting (12 ECTS)
Afterwards you can pick two Semi-Mandatory Modules from the list.
In any case, get enrolled in the Entrepreneurship in Green Chemistry course to keep updated. -
You have to be enrolled in a chemistry related master study program at one of the BUA universities.
The registration for the Micro-Credential is open at any time and requires only your Certificate of Enrollment. Please send the document to the contact person for the MC, Philipp Isbrücker, at philipp.isbruecker@tu-berlin.de. Usually within a week or two you will be notified whether you were selected to participate in the program.
The usual duration of the program is two to four semesters. The teaching programme and all examination procedures are structured so that students can complete the programme within the usual study duration.
The Micro-Credential “Entrepreneurship in Green Chemistry” comprises 23-24 ECTS, divided into:
(a) one mandatory module of 12 ECTS
(b) two semi-mandatory modules of each 5 or 6 ECTS from a list of semi-mandatory modules.
Entrepreneurship Summer School:
Ask before the SS for more informationDesign Thinking for Smart Living & Health
Advanced Recycling Technologies 1
Physics and Chemistry of Sustainability - Renewable Energy (please register by sending an email to Mr. Hutzler)
Since this BUA certificate gives you the possibility to take courses from either FU or TU, it is mandatory (!) for you to register as a BUA-Nebenhörer*in at the university that is not your home institute.
Registration for TU courses
Registration for FU courses
Registration for HU courses
Yes, your credits can count towards your master program. Some modules can be registered as a semi-mandatory module in your master program, and some in your elective area. Please contact your local Exam Office for detailed information regarding your personal study regulations.
Please send your transcript with your grades to the contact person of the Micro-Credential. Each year the graduates of the Micro-Credential program will be celebrated in a graduation ceremony.
You will receive an official BUA Certificate Program/Micro-Credential certificate listing in detail the courses you have taken as part of the Micro-Credential.
You will have to reach 24 ECTS out of the list of offered courses. If you fail one course, you can substitute it with another course from the list.
It is always recommended to keep the Micro-Credential contact person informed of your status and progress throughout the program. -
As a Micro-Credential student you will be the first to know about interesting events and activities in the field of Green Chemistry and Entrepreneurship, such as the Chemistry Career Talks and Startup Safaris – and you will be guaranteed a place in these events. This will expose you to new ideas, organisations and people and will help you grow your network. It might also open doors to internships, master theses and student jobs.
The Micro-Credential certificate proves that you have acquired knowledge and competencies in Entrepreneurship and Innovation in the field of chemistry. This can help you stand out from a pool of applicants for positions in research and industry and improve your chances of getting a desired job. Moreover, the competencies that you gain will help you apply entrepreneurial thinking and acting to your own venture or to any employed position in the future.
Who can I ask if I still have questions about the Micro-Credential program?
You can always reach out to the coordinator, Philipp Isbrücker at philipp.isbruecker@tu-berlin.de.
It might also be possible to put you in touch with current or former Micro-Credential students to get the student perspective on the program.

Treasure Hunting Winter School
Teasure Hunting Winter School
After the tremendous success of our last Summer School, where two chemistry patents were effectively used and one even won at our Pitchcourse and Discourse event, we are thrilled to echo this call for the upcoming Treasure Hunting Winter School, which is targeted to researchers and Master students!
This is a fantastic opportunity for all researchers within the Berlin University Alliance and UNITE. Participants will have the chance to choose from a selection of chemistry patents, collaborate with the inventors, and work in interdisciplinary teams to devise strategies for market validation and commercialization.
📅 The Winter Schools are scheduled for:
1️⃣ First Winter School: March 3-7, 2025
⏱️ Application Deadline: February 19, 2025
2️⃣ Second Winter School: March 24-28, 2025
⏱️ Application Deadline: March 10, 2025
Who can apply?
Every interested PhD candidate or Post-Doc affiliated to universities and universities of applied sciences within UNITE and BUA.
Master students from TU, HU, FU Berlin, or Charité – regardless of your study background, age, gender, or anything else!
For Master students, this is a non-curricular course offering and you can receive a "Leistungsschein"/ performance certificate for 6 ECTS points.

11th CIFamily Meeting
11th CIFamily Meeting
Scale-up and Pilot Plant Engineering
Our Guest
Marek Checinski (Co-Founder and CSO at Carbon One)
Marek discovered his enthusiasm for the natural sciences as a teenager and went on to study chemistry at the Humboldt University in Berlin, completing his doctorate in catalysis at the Leibniz Institute for Catalysis (LIKAT). There he recognized early on the importance of quantum mechanical simulations for the future of chemical research. With CreativeQuantum GmbH, he built up one of the world's leading service providers in this field. Marek is the inventor of C1 technology and uses his pioneering know-how at C1 to develop climate-friendly chemical processes. As CSO of C1, Marek plays a key role in driving forward the development of green methanol so that it can provide system-relevant industries with a tangible alternative to fossil fuels in the near future.
Why you should attend as start-up
Get insights about Scale-up and Pilot Plant Engineering from the expert Marek Checinski, who has profound experience as serial entrepreneur in applied quantum mechanical simulations and large-scale green methanol production.
Understand when is the right moment to scale your green chemical reaction.
Find out how to design and engineer a pilot plant and what should be taken into consideration.
About the CIFamily
The community events called “CIFamily” aim to offer the scene of chemistry-specific founders a place for trusting exchange and learning from each other. “Learning from experts and alumni/ae, sharing and discussing your own experiences with other participants and supporting each other” is the common goal of the community. In order to achieve this, each event is dedicated to a topic selected by the founders, on which there are impulses, exchange and networking in a relaxed and open atmosphere.
How to become part of the CIFamily?
If you want to become part of the CIFamily and get invited to these amazing network events, please contact us.
Impressions from previous CIFamily Meetings:

greenCHEM is a leading ecosystem for innovations in green chemistry. As an ecosystem, we, the actors need to come together to make change happen. Therefore, join us in person in Berlin. Under the theme “Chemistry in Transformation”, take part in a day full of inspiration and action. The details are being finalized, but you can expect the following:
International guests
Be inspired and informed by speakers like
John C. Warner - Professor of chemistry, entrepreneur and co-author of the 12 principles of green chemistry.
Kristin Schreiber - EU Commission Director for Chemicals, Health, Retail and Agrifood.
Discover new technologies, innovations and the latest developments from our community of green chemistry startups.
On scaling up the potential of tech. transfer and entrepreneurship to meet industrial sustainability challenges.
Special announcements
Get the latest insights about the future of green chemistry in Berlin, and beyond.
Meet and talk with the people that form the leading green chemistry innovation ecosystem, besides you!
More information will follow soon!
This event is invitation only. Please contact us if you would like to attend.

Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften
From Molecules to Movements
at Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften
Open Call for Artists
Art and green chemistry collaboration
For the „Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften“ 28.6.2025
Deadline for Applications: 5.2.2025
greenCHEM and the Hybrid Plattform (a transdisciplinary project of the Berlin University of the Arts and the Technische Universität Berlin) are looking for an artistic contribution as part of the Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2025.
From Molecules to Movements
Chemistry is alive and plays an important role in our society. We interact with chemistry in our daily lives through a universe of products and in relationships between human and more-than-human fellow beings. Chemistry keeps us alive and shapes our future in a positive and negative ways. The mastery (or lack of mastery) over chemistry can determine the state of life on earth. Therefore, the main interest of green chemistry revolves around environmentally friendly, sustainable processes and substances: topics that also shape current discourses in the art world.
The call for proposals is aimed at artists of all types who deal with current challenges of the climate crisis and questions of rethinking sustainable lifestyles in an experimental way. The desired artistic contributions and research projects are focused towards chemical thematics, processes, products or materials, are open to experimentation with them in their artistic research strategies and can benefit from collaboration with the greenCHEM and Hybrid Platforms teams in the spirit of transdisciplinary work. We are open for all types of media from spatial installations, exhibitions to performances.
The funding provides cooperation opportunities with chemists creating applications in green chemistry who can provide insights into the world of chemistry, the chemical industry and who can scientifically enrich the artists' experimental approach through, e.g. laboratory visits. The transdisciplinary exchange is intended to result in an artistic work that will be presented at the Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften in Berlin on 28.06.25. A large audience of the general public is expected to attend, and we hope to engender a spirit of dialogue, engagement or even co-creation with the audience.
The project includes a fee of 2,000 Euro, material costs up to 500 Euro, practical research support by the greenCHEM team, a workplace in the Hybrid Lab and a presentation at the Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften.
Submission of contributions:
To participate, the following documents must be submitted by 05.02.2024:
· Personal details: full name and, if applicable, artist's name
· Abstract of the project idea max. 1 DIN A4 page
· Brief CV, portfolio and/or list of publications
· Preferably all documents as one PDF file
Please send inquiries to info@hybrid-plattform.org
The commission consists of members of greenCHEM and the Hybrid Plattform.

Green Chemistry Lecture by John Warner
Green Chemistry Lecture (online)
by John Warner
Join for an Exclusive Lecture on Green Chemistry
We are excited to invite you to a special online lecture by Prof. Dr. John C. Warner, a leading pioneer in the field of Green Chemistry and co-founder of the 12 Principles of Green Chemistry.
What is Green Chemistry?
Learn how innovative scientific approaches are transforming the way we create materials and products, driving sustainable solutions for a better future.
Who Can Attend?
This lecture is open to everyone with an interest in sustainability and chemistry. No university enrollment is required.
Why Attend?
Gain insights from a global expert in Green Chemistry
Discover real-world applications of sustainable practices
Be inspired to shape a greener future through science
Don't miss this opportunity to hear from one of the most influential voices in Green Chemistry. Let’s build a sustainable future together.
We look forward to seeing you there!

Career & Family in Experimental Science
Career & Family in Experimental Science
hosted by UniSysCat and greenCHEM
How can family and career be balanced in experimental science? Young parents, especially mothers, face unique challenges: from pregnancy onward, strict lab restrictions can significantly impact studies or PhD progress. These challenges often continue during breastfeeding, and balancing childcare with unpredictable experiments remains demanding for both parents.
But does family planning really have to take a back seat? Our event will highlight practical solutions! Hear inspiring stories from scientists who have successfully integrated family and career, sharing strategies that make both possible.
Join us for an inspiring event that shines a spotlight on the importance of creating a family-friendly environment in the world of science! We’re thrilled to feature a keynote speech by Prof. Dr. Sina Bartfeld, who will explore the crucial role of family support in fostering scientific careers. You'll also hear from an amazing panel of accomplished female scientists and entrepreneurs who have successfully balanced family life with cutting-edge research, offering real insights into how they made it work. Plus, learn about valuable funding opportunities and discover best practices for navigating both family and lab life.
Our mission is to raise awareness and break down barriers around pregnancy, maternity/parental leave, and active parenting within the scientific community—particularly for those working in experimental lab settings in chemistry and related fields. We want to empower young scientists to realize that the right time to start a family is when it feels right for them—not when a career box has been checked. Our event will provide crucial information on available support, funding, and inspiring examples of how others have successfully navigated these challenges.
Prof. Sina Bartfeld, TU Berlin, Medical Biotechnology
Katharina Kremer, mujō lab OHG, Founder and COO
Dr. Katharina Rudisch, Hanwha Q Cells GmbH, Senior Scientist
Dr. Vivian Spiering, Mercedes Benz, Team Lead Process Technology and Maintenance in Coatings
Who is this event for?
This event is open to students, PhD candidates, PostDocs, entrepreneurs, and leadership figures, including group leaders. We can’t wait to hear your stories, discuss your experiences, and foster a supportive network of women in science!
Registration and additional information
Register for the event until December, 5th!
If you need child care, please let Claudia Ben Nasrallah from UniSysCat know by November 28, 2024 at latest.
Learn more about UniSysCat:

Chemistry Career Talks #3
In this event we bring together a diverse panel of professionals who have taken different paths in the field of chemistry. This event isn’t just about the struggles of entrepreneurship—it’s about the challenges and lessons learned across various roles in green chemistry.

Startup Safari
Startup Safari
A journey around the green chemistry startup ecosystem in Berlin
Berlin has a nascent and exciting startup ecosystem in green chemistry. From carbon negative products, to nano-materials and circular businesses, green chemistry has risen as the answer to climate technology and sustainable living from the core.
Every semester, we bring Bachelor, Master and PhD students from FUB, TUB and HUB closer to the market-reality of working at science-based startups. Attendees will have the chance to:
Learn from the chemistry-related startups
Experience the startups‘ day-to-day work in their labs & offices
Get to know about support programmes in Berlin to advance their own startup ideas
Participating Startups
DUDE CHEM: green chemical manufacturing
LIQUIDLOOP green energy storage and conversion
Made of Air: carbon negative materials
Nanolope: novel thermal energy storage systems
To attend this event, students need to register via the form below. A maximum capacity of 20 students per Safari is allowed.
Impressions from last time:

Industry on Campus
Industry on Campus
The greenCHEM team cordially invites you to the upcoming Industry on Campus 2024 on Nov. 6th at Freie Universität Berlin.
On this day we will hear presentations from industry representatives, startups and transfer teams from chemistry and pharmaceutical research. Companies such as BASF, Berlin-Chemie Menarini and Bioeton will share their approaches for transitioning to a sustainable, circular economy, while the latter will present their innovative ideas and green chemistry tech. In addition, there will be ample opportunity for networking.
Learn how companies are dealing with difficulties in implementing sustainable chemistry.
Learn from researchers about the newest innovations first hand.
Get to know students' and PhDs' vision for the chemical industry.
10:00 Registration
10:30 Start
Rainer Haag & Sebastian Hasenstab-Riedel (FUB) - Welcome
Petra Ryl - Science&Startups
Detlef Kratz (BASF) - Innovating for Sustainability with Energy: Approaches to circular and green chemistry at BASF
Kai Licha (FUB / FEW Chemicals) - Scaling-Up Chemistry from academic Start-ups to industrial manufacturing
12:15 - 13:00 Lunch break
Mathias Dimde & Uwe Schedler (FUB/ PolyAn) - Bioinspired polymers for applications in bioanalytics
Katharina Knippen & Pawel Lato (Bioeton Deutschland) - Sustainable Ester production and its valued by-products
Thomas Schubert (IoLiTec) - The path from a laboratory curiosity to an industrial chemical
Jean-Pierre Clement (DendroTEK, Canada) - DendroTEK Biosciences : How we turned a science project into a company
Johann Liebeton (BioHalo, Denmark) - BioHalo - bio-based polymers as sustainable PFAS alternatives
14:15 - 14:45 Coffee break
Gesa Dreyhsig & Merlin Kleoff (FUB Chemie) - Towards a Sustainable Chlorine Industry
Michael Bernicke (NanoCats) - tba
Olaf Wagner (FUB Chemistry) - AquaPur – Removing Trace Substances from Process- and Wastewater
Jan-Niklas Dürig (FUB Pharmacy) - Sustainable solutions for next-generation gene therapeutics
Christian Matschke (Berlin-Chemie Menarini) - Berlin-Chemie goes Green - Megatrend Sustainablility
16:00 - 16:30 Coffee, Cake & Networking
Last years Industry on Campus

PitchCourse & DisCourse
PitchCourse & Discourse
An opportunity for new innovators in green chemistry
by Wiley, Berlin Science Week and greenCHEM
Welcome, deep-tech innovation needs you!
Join Us as an Audience Member at the greenChem PitchCourse & Discourse Event!
Be part of the PitchCourse & Discourse event in Berlin as audience member, where the most innovative ideas in green chemistry will be on display! This is your chance to experience cutting-edge solutions for sustainability and engage with key players in the field.
Why attend?
Inspiration: Watch innovative startups and researchers pitch their groundbreaking ideas.
Engagement: Cast your vote for your favorite pitch and see how the professional jury decides.
Interactive Discussion: Participate in in-depth exchanges with innovators and experts on the most pressing sustainability challenges in chemistry through a fishbowl discussion format.
Networking: Connect with industry leaders, fellow sustainability enthusiasts, and visionaries.
Event Agenda:
Pitch Session: Watch new innovators present their ideas for solving sustainability challenges in chemistry.
Audience Voting: Have your say by voting for your favorite pitch.
Professional Jury Decision: See how a jury of experts evaluates and selects the top innovations.
Fishbowl Discussion: Join a close exchange with innovators, experts, and fellow participants in a dynamic, interactive discussion format on critical sustainability topics in chemistry.
Be a part of this inspiring event that brings together creativity, innovation, and collaboration to build a more sustainable future.
Win a public choice award and/or the jury choice award:
Cash prize
Dedicated article in Wiley’s CHEManager Innovation Pitch
Science communication training
How it works:
Pitch Training
The team members of the five finalist projects will be invited to take part in a free 'Pitch-Training' workshop, hosted by Wiley in Berlin.
The pitch training will take place in Berlin on 21st October 2024.
Pitch event at Berlin Science Week
The final pitching event will take place on 5th November 2024 at Berlin Science Week in Berlin. There, each team will pitch their project to a panel of judges and the public at Berlin Science Week.
Jury members:
Annekathrin Grüneberg | Co-Founder at mujō
Prof. Dr. Stefan Hecht | Einstein Professor at Humboldt University
Dr. Christene Smith | Editor at CHEManager International
Norbert Herrmann | Berliner Senate Department for Economic Affairs, Energy and Public Enterprises
Carolina Soto | Innovation Management and Transfer at greenCHEM
This event presents several opportunities:
Collaboration: Meet and collaborate with like-minded people from other institutes and disciplines on cutting-edge projects.
Training: Take part in a pitch-training and communication workshop coordinated by Wiley.
Pitching/Science communication: Finalists pitch the projects at Berlin Science Week.
Prizes: Win a 'public choice award' or the 'experts choice award', More details on prizes will follow.
Dialog/Network: Part of the pitching final includes an open forum where your innovations and the underlying science are discussed with the public, and with members of the expert panel. Build lasting connections to those promoting deep-tech innovation in Berlin.
This opportunity is open to bachelor, master and PhD students, and Post-docs. It is ideally suited to students working in chemistry or related subjects.
You can, but don't have to. Team applications (2-5 people) are recommended, and you don't all need to be chemists, but since we are looking for green chemistry innovations, at least one team member should have a chemistry background. All team members should register separately for the event and use a common title for your project idea.
Yes. If you have an idea, but are missing collaborators, you can apply. If your project is selected, we can help build a team for you from other applicants.
If you want to get involved but you have not got a project idea, you can apply. In this case we will try to match you with other existing teams or individual applicants.
There are two stages of selection for the applicants.
Stage 1: all submitted projects will be internally assessed under the following criteria:
Is the idea innovative? E.g. Is it new?Does it solve a real problem? E.g. Is the innovation relevant?
Is it sustainable? E.g. Does it include green chemistry? (See 'what is green chemistry' below in the FAQ).
Does it have impact potential? E.g. Is it feasible? And if scaled-up, is there potential for positive societal and environmental impact?
Stage 2:
The 5 finalist projects/teams will be judged by the panel with the following scoresheet (link). Separately, the public will also select their favourite pitch/project, without explicit criteria.
Maximum is two teams. One winning team is chosen by the expert panel, one winning team is chosen by the public. It is possible that one team wins in both cases.
We refer to the 12 Principles of green chemistry, which set out directives for sustainable practices in chemistry (link).
The desired innovations in chemistry-based processes and tech, should be sustainable with respect to human health, resources, and the environment. The 12 principles help to guide new innovations into more sustainable solutions.
The event will take place in English.
Each year, Berlin Science Week turns the city into a dynamic celebration of scientific ideas and discussions.
More than 180 organizations and over 600 scientists, artists, politicians, and other inspiring leaders come together, attracting a diverse audience of over 30,000 participants.
For any questions about anything related to the event please contact us on hello@greenchem.berlin

9th CIFamily Meeting
9th CIFamily Meeting
Business Development & Sales Strategies
We look forward to welcoming you on Sept 16th, 2024, at our upcoming CIFamily Meeting on Business Development & Sales Strategies for green chemistry start-ups.
Our Guest
Romain Marcel — Co-Founder & Partner at Aneto partners, a startup enabler helping early-stage B2B tech startups navigate Go To Market, commercial, revenue-building, recruiting and capital funding through our advisory and coaching services. After receiving his Engineer degree in Computer Science and a Master in Business Management, Romain spent 20+ years in various sales positions focusing on B2B sales. Along his career he held roles such as General Manager EMEA at Veeva, Chief Sales Officer at Semalytix, VP and General Manager EMEA at Tractable. With his background and experience he decided in early 2024 to create his own company: Aneto Partners to provide advisory services to Start Up to get their Go To Market strategy right early on. Today he is advising companies like DUDE CHEM, Tucuvi, 4Trans, Mercaux, deepc and others.
Why you should attend as start-up
Get insights about Business Development from the expert Romain Marcel, who has profound experience as commercial operators across various stages, ranging from seed all the way through IPO and beyond.
Understand how to approach first customers and pilot project partners.
Find out which going-to-market-strategy and long-term Sales Strategy fits your business idea best.
About the CIFamily
The community events called “CIFamily” aim to offer the scene of chemistry-specific founders a place for trusting exchange and learning from each other. “Learning from experts and alumni/ae, sharing and discussing your own experiences with other participants and supporting each other” is the common goal of the community. In order to achieve this, each event is dedicated to a topic selected by the founders, on which there are impulses, exchange and networking in a relaxed and open atmosphere.
Impressions from previous CIFamily Meetings:

Bachelor Course "Nachhaltigkeit in der Chemie"
This lecture deals with sustainability in the context of industrial chemical processes. Based on different definitions and evaluation criteria of sustainability, economic, ecological and social aspects of chemical production processes are discussed.
Lecture: Monday, 12-14 Uhr, Lecture Hall A, Arnimallee 22 , Berlin, Germany
Seminar: Friday 8-10 Uhr, Lecture Hall Anorganik, Fabeckstraße 34/37 , Berlin, Germany

Micro Credential "Sustainable Entrepreneurship"
What it is about?
The 24 ECTS-program includes courses on sustainable chemistry and hands-on seminars on how to develop your chemistry-related start-up idea. It also offers exiting excursions and international summer schools. If you are enrolled in a chemistry-related Master program at TU, FU or HU Berlin you can even earn an extra degree next to your study program.
Content & Goals
Students of the Micro-Credential “Sustainable Entrepreneurship” will learn the fundamental principles of entrepreneurship and different dimensions of sustainability. This includes all issues on operative, tactical and strategic levels relevant to founding new businesses, for intrapreneurial activities and for Research and Development (R&D) or New Product Development (NPD).
Graduates of the programme will be able to apply entrepreneurial thinking to developments and research in chemistry and related fields in order to recognize opportunities and to develop new business ideas in this field.
The practice-related aspects of the programme focus on innovation, management practices and the allocation of resources leading towards the creation and growth of environmentally, socially and ethically sensitive business models. This includes gaining expertise in management, decision making, legal provisions, accounting and developing the ability to prepare sensible solutions for technical or business challenges. In addition, team work is promoted.