Infrastructure for Green Chemistry transfer.
The INKULAB is a laboratory container for chemical experiments to enable researchers to transfer their research results to an application of sustainable materials. The customized laboratory infrastructure is available to pre-seed start-ups and transfer projects of green chemistry within a time frame of several months until 1-2 years including technical laboratory support.
The laboratory is designed for chemical experiments at small scale under fume hoods and also has laboratory benches and basic technical equipment such as analytical and precision balances, pipettes, magnetic stirrers, thermal shakers, hotplate, ultrasonic bath, rotary evaporator, centrifuges, various (vacuum) pumps, thermometer, pH meter, drying oven, UV/VIS spectrometer and monocular microscope. Incubated teams have the option of purchasing additional technical equipment independently and placing it there in consultation, depending on space requirements. Each INKULAB team has access to one fume hood, one laboratory bench and an office workstation in the container.
There is also access to further analytical equipment in neighboring chemistry buildings and the Berlin University Alliance. These include gas chromatograph, DSC and OES devices, IR spectrometer, NMR spectrometer, Mass Spectrometer, X-ray Lab and more.
The INKULAB , which is connected to the Institute of Chemistry and the Center for Entrepreneurship (CfE) at TU Berlin, is located behind the TC Building, Straße des 17. Juni 124 at the Campus Berlin-Charlottenburg. Please find further information here.
If you are interested and want to get further information, please contact Dr. Petra Ryl.
Chemical Invention Factory – John Warner Center for Start-ups in Green Chemistry
The Chemical Invention Factory will be an extension of INKULAB to meet the start-up potential in green chemistry. Twelve pre-foundation and transfer teams will be able to move in here from 2026.
Scale-Up Lab
The Scale-up Lab is a chemistry laboratory which provides a service to produce your product in higher quantity. In addition to experienced staff in the fields, the scale-up lab is equipped with suitable apparatus for high scale synthesis and purification. The customized laboratory facilities together with wide range of analytical methods provides a service for pre-seed start-ups and transfer projects of green chemistry to scale up and characterize their product within a determined time frame.
The synthesis laboratory is equipped with large scale reactors with different volumes of 1, 5 and 115 liters and a 20 liters rotary evaporator. In the purification lab, there are continuous flow filtration apparatus for high scale polymer purification. After the synthesis and purification, the product can be characterized by different analytical methods at Freie Universität Berlin.
If you are interested and want to get further information, please contact us via scaleuplab@bcp.fu-berlin.de.