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Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften

From Molecules to Movements

at Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften

Open Call for Artists

Art and green chemistry collaboration

For the „Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften“ 28.6.2025

Deadline for Applications: 5.2.2025


greenCHEM and the Hybrid Plattform (a transdisciplinary project of the Berlin University of the Arts and the Technische Universität Berlin) are looking for an artistic contribution as part of the Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2025.


From Molecules to Movements


Chemistry is alive and plays an important role in our society. We interact with chemistry in our daily lives through a universe of products and in relationships between human and more-than-human fellow beings. Chemistry keeps us alive and shapes our future in a positive and negative ways. The mastery (or lack of mastery) over chemistry can determine the state of life on earth. Therefore, the main interest of green chemistry revolves around environmentally friendly, sustainable processes and substances: topics that also shape current discourses in the art world.


The call for proposals is aimed at artists of all types who deal with current challenges of the climate crisis and questions of rethinking sustainable lifestyles in an experimental way. The desired artistic contributions and research projects are focused towards chemical thematics, processes, products or materials, are open to experimentation with them in their artistic research strategies and can benefit from collaboration with the greenCHEM and Hybrid Platforms teams in the spirit of transdisciplinary work. We are open for all types of media from spatial installations, exhibitions to performances.


The funding provides cooperation opportunities with chemists creating applications in green chemistry who can provide insights into the world of chemistry, the chemical industry and who can scientifically enrich the artists' experimental approach through, e.g. laboratory visits. The transdisciplinary exchange is intended to result in an artistic work that will be presented at the Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften in Berlin on 28.06.25. A large audience of the general public is expected to attend, and we hope to engender a spirit of dialogue, engagement or even co-creation with the audience.

The project includes a fee of 2,000 Euro, material costs up to 500 Euro, practical research support by the greenCHEM team, a workplace in the Hybrid Lab and a presentation at the Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften.


Submission of contributions:


To participate, the following documents must be submitted by 05.02.2024:


·       Personal details: full name and, if applicable, artist's name

·       Abstract of the project idea max. 1 DIN A4 page

·       Brief CV, portfolio and/or list of publications

·       Preferably all documents as one PDF file 


Please send inquiries to


The commission consists of members of greenCHEM and the Hybrid Plattform.

24 April

Venture Campus Lecture